Humility and Walking with the God of Now (Akh’shav)

Several years back as I was reading Deuteronomy, Papa highlighted the word “presumptuously” to me, which I shared in my blog Presumption (Deuteronomy 17:12-13). In short, the verse sets the penalty for presumption towards the priests as death. The fact Continue reading Humility and Walking with the God of Now (Akh’shav)

Assume Positive Intent (Joshua 22)

This post could probably also be called three keys to positive communication. In the twenty second chapter of Joshua, we find a wonderful reminder for healthy relationships. The 10 tribes of Israel come to confront the two and a half Continue reading Assume Positive Intent (Joshua 22)

Punishment and the Mercy of God (Deuteronomy 32)

This morning I was pondering the story we find in Deuteronomy 32 where God allows Moses to see the promised land but not enter it (I share more on the events that lead to this discipline in my post Showing God Continue reading Punishment and the Mercy of God (Deuteronomy 32)

How-to Deal with Jealousy and Judgment

In response to a question posed in response to my post called Prayer Burdens and Burden Bearing, an Intercessor’s Call, I wanted to take a moment to address how to deal with jealousy and judgement in regards to our giftings. These Continue reading How-to Deal with Jealousy and Judgment

Prayer Burdens and Burden Bearing, an Intercessor’s Call

Intercessors tend to be sensitive people. We tend to be very empathetic (thus the term Christian Empath) – constantly feeling things for others – and God wired us that way so we’re able to pick up on the things He Continue reading Prayer Burdens and Burden Bearing, an Intercessor’s Call