Communion (Leviticus 1-2)

So I started the book of Leviticus this morning. I’ve read it numerous times before, so honestly it was with a little regret that I finished the exploits of Exodus and headed into the heart of the law in Leviticus. Yet I know that all of God’s word is profitable. So I asked Him to open my eyes and teach me. And, as usual, He was faithful.

As I began chapter 1 about the burnt offerings, I tried to stay open all the while grimacing over the brutal explanation of what was to be done to the animals. Then I headed on to chapter 2, far more palatable were the descriptions of the grain offerings.

And when I finished I sat back and was like, “God, why? Why the animals? Why the grain?”

Then I clearly heard, “Communion.” I paused to reflect on this and immediately understood the blood from the animals representing a type of the blood of Jesus – the wine in communion. Of course that would be the first offering mentioned! And the grain offering representing the bread – the body of Jesus. The first two offerings mentioned… the blood (wine) and the bread (body).

How beautiful to find this reminder of God’s redemptive plan! I’m sure I’m not the first to see this here, but it’s always exciting to have the Holy Spirit teach you things you didn’t know 🙂

Thank You Lord that You are faithful. That long before You came to die the plan was in place for You to come. You love us so much! May our hearts respond appropriately to that love.

Sent from my iPod

2 Replies to “Communion (Leviticus 1-2)”

  1. Wow… that is a beautiful insight. I don’t know if it is new to the world, but it’s new to me and it’s a very cool thought. He’s showing you some really cool stuff in this season… you just ask and he shows! Very cool!

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