Silk: He Moves in Mercy

As I was writing the intro for the Silk: He Moves in Power and I was mentioning that He apparently had started a series (the first was Silk: He Moves in Love), I wondered to myself if He was going to create more. Immediately I heard, “He moves in mercy” and I knew it was the name for a silk letter I was in the midst of birthing that was connected to my first official Dyed4you Art Prophetic “Portrait”, which you’ll see to the right (read the testimony). It’s always so fun when He surprises me with little things like this – drawing connections, teaching about different aspects of His character, bringing me to know Him more. I pray it blesses you as much as it blessed me. 

The name of your silk is He Moves in Mercy. The colors in it are:

  • Turquoise representing healing and refreshing
  • Peacock blue representing the water of His word
  • Deep dark blue representing tehowm (the deep – Psalm 42:7)
  • Violet representing child of God
  • Lilac representing shalom (the peace that surpasses all expectations)
  • Lavender representing the beauty of being known
  • Purple halo shimmer representing redemption and double portion

The scriptures that go with it are:

  • Psalm 9:10 (TLB) All those who know your mercy, Lord, will count on you for help. For you have never yet forsaken those who trust in you.
  • Jeremiah 31:3 (NLT) Long ago the Lord said to Israel: “I have loved you, my people, with an everlasting love. With unfailing love I have drawn you to myself.

One of Merriam-Webster’s definition for the word “mercy” is “compassionate treatment of those in distress (unhappiness or pain).” That is the Father’s heart for you. He sees your times of sorrow and has cried through them with you, but even now He rejoices with you in a season shift; it is time for mourning to turn to dancing, and sorrow to turn to joy.

There is a beauty in being known. Someone understanding you at a deep level, knitted together in the spirit so deeply it feels like a tear when one is suddenly gone. But the Lord is reminding you that He is always with you, and His love and touch are very real and more powerful than any human one could be. He even gifted you the ability to love as deeply as you do, and the fact that you do so unreservedly blesses and honors Him as the Creator and Gift Giver.

A “Prophetic Nugget” called “Fruit from Adversity” from our Dyed4you Ministries blog is connected to this silk.

For I have loved you with an everlasting love, and My eye is ever upon you for you are so lovely to My gaze. Nothing about you – no aspect of your life or you past – goes unseen by Me, nor am I unfeeling to anything that has wounded you. Each wound you’ve received I felt even in greater measure, for I treasure you and hold you dear – I would that you NEVER be hurt. And yet, to those wounds I will bring healing, and through those wounds I will bring testimony that speaks of the power of My love. Nothing will be wasted. So hold fast in adversity, I am with you to bring you through and My love will cause fruit to burst forth from the land plowed by hardships. I bring life in the desert and joy even in the dark places. So again, hold fast – mourning may last for the night, but joy comes in the morning!

A word called “Nothing Is Too Hard for Me” from June Reinke of Prophetic Light is also connected to this silk.

Is what you are going through too hard for you? Nothing is too hard for Me, says the LORD. As you walk in Me, walk in My light, walk in My Spirit, walk in My strength, walk in My Love and walk in My grace, walk in My faith, you will not become weary. You will not be overwhelmed. You will go from faith to faith and not fear to fear. You will go from strength to strength, and not weakness to weakness. You will go from victory to victory and not defeat to more defeat. You will go from grace to glory. You will see certain victory every time. It is NOT too hard for you, for I Am with you always. I will give you good success. It is not a pipe dream or an illusion or a fairy tale or a mirage that I give you, but it is My truth that endures forever, says the LORD.

You can stand upon Me and My unfailing Word that is a sure foundation for you, says the Lord. The storms will come and they will surely go. The winds of adversity will rise up from the North, the south, the east and the west, but what is that to you? The floods of the enemy will rise up, and beat against you, but they will not prevail. You will stand. You will withstand the storms. You will endure the floods. You will not be moved. For your faith in Me and My Word will not only work for you, but your household will be saved. For I honor My Word, as I said that as you believe in Me, you AND YOUR HOUSEHOLD will be saved, secure and safe in Me as you stand still and see MY SALVATION, says the LORD.

Next a portion of a word called “Set Free From Captivity: Our Mouths Were Filled With Laughter, Our Tongues With Songs of Joy” from Elaine Tavolacci of A Word in Season is connected to this silk.

The Lord says, the time of weeping is coming to an end, and a time of rejoicing will begin. For those of you who have been burdened for so long, your mouths will surely be filled with laughter, and your tongues with songs of joy. I am about to release you from the weights and the cares that have been weighing you down. I am releasing you from the hardships that you have encountered. You will learn how to make the adversity drive you deeper into your purpose and destiny rather than bring you into despair. Don’t allow discouraging thoughts to imprison you any longer, but allow Me to turn everything around for good. You have not been created to carry burdens but I have created you to be a carrier of My glory.

I am rebuilding the walls that have been torn down by the enemy. Those things that have been demolished in your life will be rebuilt and restored. I will remove the heavy burdens and break the shackles that have held you captive. The strongholds that have held you prisoner are coming off. I am releasing the prisoners of war, and returning them home once again. I will heal the brokenhearted and set the captives free.As you continue to press in and stand on My word even through difficult times, you will soon encounter this time of rejoicing. I will release you from the hurtful memories from the past that brought pain and sorrow. I will set you free from the things that war against your soul that brought fear and confusion. This is a time of refreshing to those of you who have been weary. Don’t allow anything to restrain you from this joy set before you. Don’t allow anything to hinder you from receiving all that is available to you. Allow Me to fill you with this joy and peace and bring comfort to your soul. I will give you beauty for ashes and the oil of joy for mourning so that you will begin to walk in victory says the Lord.

Beloved, the old has passed away and a new season is springing forth. Will you move with Me? Will you allow the waters of My refreshing to wash you into this new thing I am bringing forth? The waters will not overtake you, but rather invigorate and awaken you. Fresh flow and fresh oil! Receive it beloved, for it is time. Worship Me, raise your hands to me in praise, and let the water of My Spirit carry you and guide you. I am doing a new thing. Will you know it? Taste and see that I AM good!

It has been prayed over and anointed with two oils from the Scent of Heaven. The first oil is called In His Hands, which is for those who want to be reminded that we rest in His hands and that there is safety there. The scripture that goes with this oil is Romans 8:35, “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?” We are the Lord’s children, His beloved. He counts us as precious and holds us safely in His hands.

The second oil from the Scent of Heaven is called Sparkling Dew. The scripture that goes with this oil is Isaiah 26:19 (AMP), “Your dead shall live [O Lord]; the bodies of our dead [saints] shall rise. You who dwell in the dust, awake and sing for joy! For Your dew [O Lord] is a dew of [sparkling] light [heavenly, supernatural dew]; and the earth shall cast forth the dead [to life again; for on the land of the shades of the dead You will let Your dew fall].”

Deeper meaning of this oil reads, “Sparkling Dew is all about awakening and refreshing. Isaiah 26:19 speaks of the dead living – awaking and singing. A related scripture that was part of the word is from Ezekiel 37 – bringing the dead bones to life! Awakening to a call to live a holy life – living the fullness of all God has purposed. No longer allowing a spirit of compromise and all that inhibits the Lord’s plan. Awakening to Him, His way, His plan… His life! His sparkling dew also brings refreshing for those who are already seeking hard after Him. The dew moistens and refreshes that which is parched and dry by the harshness of life. The dew of the Spirit of the Lord brings forth life from death, His holy anointing.”

We pray it blesses you!

NOTE: If you’re wondering why I’ve shared this silk letter, check out my post God Speaking Through Silk where I explain why I began sharing these on my blog. 

5 Replies to “Silk: He Moves in Mercy”

  1. Pingback: Prophetic “Portrait”: Burgeoning Life – Dyed4you Art

  2. Pingback: Silk: Life Giver – MeghanW

  3. These are my silks and are the same ones that are in my Prophetic Portrait. As soon as I learned that there would be flags available then of course I wanted them too. They are beautiful and I love them. The Words that came with them are exactly what I needed to hear in this season and time and I knew they were directly from the Father’s heart for me. I will worship Him with them with everything within me “for He has turned my sorrow into joy, and my mourning into dancing!”

    With that said, I believe it is important to know who makes your worship flags. Years ago, my first set of flags came from an online source. I didn’t know much about flags except that I had attended a women’s conference and there was a group of women that were part of the conference and they had flags and that kind of worship birthed like a fire on the inside of me. I looked online and found a source for flags and ordered them. They sent them to me and a note that explained the purple and silver colors. I worshiped with them for several years, but eventually I wanted something else. I could have made flags like those I bought. I sew, I am creative but I knew that creating worship flags wasn’t my ministry. I was called to worship with them, not make them. So, long story short, as I sought Him about new flags He led me to ministries like Dyed4you that pray, seek His face and create not only beautiful worship flags but also send with them the meaning and the Words that goes with them. It makes a difference….He was specific about the tabernacle, about the priestly garments, about the workmanship and the workers that made the tabernacle. He was specific about those that built the wall, about the ark and so many other things. He was specific about worship. I believe if we are to worship Him in Spirit and in truth and in love, then I believe that we should take before Him that which has been born of His Heart and His Spirit and these flags are exactly that. I just love that there are those whose ministry it is to make them and those of us that are called to only worship with them.

  4. Oh my goodness!! That would make a beautiful banner or a PAIR of large streamer veils. Still haven’t decided which the Father wants me to order. Still waiting on His timing. 🙂 and I wouldn’t have it any other way!

  5. Pingback: Burgeoning Life – Dyed4you Art

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