A word of encouragement and a gentle reminder of how to walk through trials. Sometimes when we’re in the midst of things it’s easy to lose sight of what we know, this video gently reminds us that our Savior walked through trials too and that in the midst of our own, we can learn more about Him and His by pressing in and joining Him. It also encourages us to stay in a place of thanksgiving and praise to God because He is always worthy.
I’m not sure anyone would choose to join in the sufferings of Christ by being persecuted, wrongly accused, or rejected, but in the moment we find ourself in that place, comfort can come as we lean into Christ and remember He experienced that hurt first. Instead of meditating on your own pain or hurt or frustration, use the moment to come to know Him better. Allow it to create deeper intimacy with Him as He reveals Himself in the midst of sorrows. ( I actually shared a silk based on this concept a while back along with a connected art piece Silk: From Mourning to Dancing & Art: Joy Comes in the Morning.)
Refuse to be tempted to dwell on negative feelings and emotions. I’m not saying put on a happy face and pretend, but rather refuse to allow circumstances to steal your joy or your praise. From a spiritual warfare perspective, it is vital not to allow bitterness, anger or resentment (or any other negative reaction to hardships) to take root. We must choose to trust Him regardless of circumstances (In a facebook live video from our Dyed4you Ministries page I share about this and connect it to the Prophetic Nugget called Trust without Expectations.)
This ties back to the Hebrew word dayenu, which means sufficient. The crux of this is remembering that all God has done already is sufficient and worthy of our praise. Do we want Him to do more in future? Sure, but our praise is not dependent on Him doing so. We woke up breathing, so He is worthy of praise.
This is about choosing a lifestyle of gratitude. A beautiful byproduct of this type of lifestyle is that it combats the temptation to bitterness. It keeps us in a place of unconditional trust with the Father and in gentle thanksgiving and quiet joy even in the midst of trials. As Romans 5:3-5 (TPT) shares:
…Even in times of trouble we have a joyful confidence, knowing that our pressures will develop in us patient endurance. And patient endurance will refine our character, and proven character leads us back to hope. And this hope is not a disappointing fantasy,[a] because we can now experience the endless love of God cascading into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who lives in us!
Blessings to you as you press into Him!
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