Operating in Love (The Prophetic Voice)

As I’m sure you can imagine because of the prophetic nature of Dyed4you Ministries, I love the prophetic and am interested in helping the Body function in it in a healthy, biblical way. After having spent nearly a decade and a half Continue reading Operating in Love (The Prophetic Voice)

Silk: Strengthened in Adversity

The name of your silk is Strengthened in Adversity. The colors in it are: Harvest orange representing fruitfulness Coral representing deep abiding joy Cream representing milk and honey Ruby representing bloodline and worth fighting for Camel representing steadfastness Dark gray representing crowned in humility Copper shimmer representing fires of testing

Hearing, Interpreting, & Silk: Steady Progress

This was a fun one. Inspired by what Happened with Bloodline (Sovereignty, Faith (Emunah), & Silk: Bloodline), Papa had me ask one of my team members for a word. The word she gave was “gradient.” At first I thought maybe Continue reading Hearing, Interpreting, & Silk: Steady Progress

Sovereignty, Faith (Emunah), & Silk: Bloodline

We often refer to God as being sovereign, but I’m not sure we really stop and think about what that means. Here’s a few of the ways Merriam-Webster defines sovereign, “having unlimited power or authority, not limited; having undisputed ascendancy(position of Continue reading Sovereignty, Faith (Emunah), & Silk: Bloodline