Burn Brightly

Historically, a candle in the window was used as a symbol that served as a beacon for loved ones to find their way back home. In the same way, we are called to be a “light on a hill” (Matthew Continue reading Burn Brightly
Historically, a candle in the window was used as a symbol that served as a beacon for loved ones to find their way back home. In the same way, we are called to be a “light on a hill” (Matthew Continue reading Burn Brightly
As I was pondering the Hebrew letter aleph, I came across a list of Names of God that include the letter, and one was highlighted: Adir (H117), which essentially means great (majestic/noble) and mighty (strength/power). In other words, it’s a Continue reading Adir (Great, Mighty)
At the end of Numbers 6, we find what is referred to as the “Aaronic Blessing.” In the Voice translation it reads, “The Eternal One bless and keep you. May He make His face shine upon you and be gracious Continue reading God’s Radiant Countenance (Numbers 6)
In the post Decreasing Static, we touched on the fact that relationship with certain people can create “static” (or internal noise) that inhibits your ability to hear God. If you have someone who is constantly causing drama or hurt, or Continue reading Wisely Investing Your Emotional Resources (Matthew 10:14)
As I’ve been researching the various names of God for the Dyed4you Art piece called “Holy is His Name,” God has been highlighting to me the power a name holds. Each time someone says a name, they are declaring something Continue reading The Power of a Name
I realize this seems like a very basic topic, but a large number of believers struggle with doing this very thing. Some struggle due to a lack of time, others simply get frustrated because of a lack of understanding and Continue reading How-to Read the Word
I strongly believe being able to hear the voice of God is vital to an intimate relationship with Him. I’ve shared about Hearing God’s Voice (which shares the basics on how to begin) and on How-to Increase the Flow (Hearing the Voice of Continue reading Keys for Hearing God
Beloved, He calls you in the desert – the trials of the flesh. He pours His love upon you, your spirit He will refresh. He whispers your name so sweetly, His hand upon your face. His love is overwhelming, overflowing Continue reading Clinging to the Beloved {poem}
A word of encouragement and a gentle reminder of how to walk through trials. Sometimes when we’re in the midst of things it’s easy to lose sight of what we know, this video gently reminds us that our Savior walked Continue reading How-to Walk Through Trials [The Sufferings of Christ / Dayenu (Sufficient)]