How-to Increase the Flow (Hearing the Voice of God part 2)

Those who are familiar with Dyed4you Ministries (which I have the honor of leading) know that I am passionate about hearing the voice of God. It is the primary mission of the ministry and a strong personal passion. As such, Continue reading How-to Increase the Flow (Hearing the Voice of God part 2)

Dealing with Other’s Expectations

Just a quick word of encouragement on how to deal with other people’s expectations. So often we allow those expectations to mandate our actions, feeling as though we have no choice. In reality, our primary responsibility is to obey God Continue reading Dealing with Other’s Expectations

How-to Follow the Leading of God

Inspired by what God brought forth during today’s Lunchtime Live from our Dyed4you Ministries Facebook page which features tomorrow’s Prophetic Nugget called Trust Me to Lead or Correct, this post briefly covers how-to follow the leading of God including holding what we’ve Continue reading How-to Follow the Leading of God

How-to Walk Through Trials [The Sufferings of Christ / Dayenu (Sufficient)]

A word of encouragement and a gentle reminder of how to walk through trials. Sometimes when we’re in the midst of things it’s easy to lose sight of what we know, this video gently reminds us that our Savior walked Continue reading How-to Walk Through Trials [The Sufferings of Christ / Dayenu (Sufficient)]

Refusing to Operate in Jealousy or Competition (How-to Handle Negative Thoughts)

After my recent post How-to Deal with Jealousy and Judgment, someone contacted me with a candid question about how-to deal with our own feelings of jealousy. I so appreciated the candor of the question because the truth is we ALL struggle Continue reading Refusing to Operate in Jealousy or Competition (How-to Handle Negative Thoughts)

How-to Deal with Jealousy and Judgment

In response to a question posed in response to my post called Prayer Burdens and Burden Bearing, an Intercessor’s Call, I wanted to take a moment to address how to deal with jealousy and judgement in regards to our giftings. These Continue reading How-to Deal with Jealousy and Judgment