Asking the Right Questions (Making the Most of Freedom)

With freedom comes responsibility. In our current culture we often forget just because we CAN do something does not mean we SHOULD. This is about permissibility vs benefit. Let’s look at 1 Corinthians 10:23 (NLT).  You say, “I am allowed Continue reading Asking the Right Questions (Making the Most of Freedom)

Hearing, Interpreting, & Silk: Steady Progress

This was a fun one. Inspired by what Happened with Bloodline (Sovereignty, Faith (Emunah), & Silk: Bloodline), Papa had me ask one of my team members for a word. The word she gave was “gradient.” At first I thought maybe Continue reading Hearing, Interpreting, & Silk: Steady Progress

All About Relationship (Favor, Attributes, and hearing God)

Too often we take note of outward appearance, circumstances, and giftings to judge God’s blessing or favor (or the lack thereof). But in reality, this system is a flawed form of judgement. And further, the focus is off because really Continue reading All About Relationship (Favor, Attributes, and hearing God)

How-to Receive What God Shares with You (Genesis 37)

This is the chapter about Joseph where he’s given his special coat, shares his dreams, and is sold into slavery. A lot of Joseph’s issues come from the exuberance of youth, and some from Jacob’s continued mishandling of his family Continue reading How-to Receive What God Shares with You (Genesis 37)

Silk: Rising Waters

The name of your silk is Rising Waters. The colors in it are: Candy apple green representing new life and flourishing Turquoise representing flow of the Holy Spirit Peacock representing the water of His word Deep dark blue representing tehowm (the deep – Psalm 42:7) Seafoam green representing mercy Continue reading Silk: Rising Waters

Silk: The Voice of the Lord

The name of your silk is the Voice of the Lord. The colors in it are: Turquoise representing life-giving flow of the Holy Spirit Black representing thunder and presence of God [Psalm 18:11 (VOICE) He took darkness as His hiding place— both the dark waters of Continue reading Silk: The Voice of the Lord