Silk: Exuberant Obedience

The name of your silk is Exuberant Obedience. The colors in it are: Golden yellow representing joy Turquoise representing river of God Deep dark blue representing tehowm (the deep – Psalm 42:7) Cayman island green representing praise Cherry cordial representing depth Continue reading Silk: Exuberant Obedience

Silk: Rising Waters

The name of your silk is Rising Waters. The colors in it are: Candy apple green representing new life and flourishing Turquoise representing flow of the Holy Spirit Peacock representing the water of His word Deep dark blue representing tehowm (the deep – Psalm 42:7) Seafoam green representing mercy Continue reading Silk: Rising Waters

Silk: The Voice of the Lord

The name of your silk is the Voice of the Lord. The colors in it are: Turquoise representing life-giving flow of the Holy Spirit Black representing thunder and presence of God [Psalm 18:11 (VOICE) He took darkness as His hiding place— both the dark waters of Continue reading Silk: The Voice of the Lord

Silk: A Place of Closeness

The name of your silk is a Place of Closeness. The colors in it are: Bright green representing new life and flourishing Amethyst representing merry heart Sky blue representing revelation knowledge Plum representing abundance Electric blue representing intense feeling Gold shimmer representing divine light 

How-To Anoint Your Home

One of the warfare tactics I have used over the years is praying over and anointing my home.  I share a bit about my early experiences on the Dyed4you site, but basically I simply used some olive oil.  Now I Continue reading How-To Anoint Your Home