Holy Habitation

Exodus 15:13 Thou in thy mercy hast led forth the people which Thou hast redeemed: Thou hast guided them in Thy strength unto into Thy holy habitation.

You guide them (us) to Your holy habitation. Your mercy causes You to bring them unto into You. You desire a habitation with us – even with all our flaws, You desire to be with us. To draw us into Your holiness. Bring us to You… to allow us to be changed by Your presence.

Your desire since the garden has simply been to dwell with us… habitate with us… and we keep messing it up, but Your heart never changes… Your love for us never changes.  Wow.

One Reply to “Holy Habitation”

  1. It’s funny to me how much this word “habitation” means. And I’m sitting here thinking… you’re learning how to rest with him. And in that rest, he is totally going to take COMPLETE habitation in your heart. And that is a truly beautiful thing. He’s making you more and more beautiful, in so so many ways.

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