No Want

O fear the Lord, you His saints! For there is no want to those who truly revere and worship Him with godly fear. – Psalm 34:9 AMP

The Lord highlighted this verse to me. Two things jumped out at me:

1: The command to fear the Lord, which reminded me of the study I did a while back on the fear of the Lord that identified the attributes and blessings. This is not optional – if we want His promises, we must have a fear of the Lord.

2: The words “no want“. I looked up the original Hebrew word and it essentially means “needed thing”. In other words if I fear the Lord I will have everything I have need of.

Just thought this was worth chewing on and worth sharing 🙂

Thank You Lord that as we revere and worship You with Godly fear, we will have no want. Every need provided for. You are a good Father. So faithful to Your children. We are blessed beyond words… thank You!

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