I have to be honest and say I am not a big fan of conflict. I grew up in a household where basically no one ever disagreed, so it does not feel natural for me to be in the midst of conflict, even when it’s healthy.
However, it seems the Lord has decided it’s time for me to get used to it! LOL 🙂
Since moving to our new church I have found myself in or witnessing more healthy debates than I have perhaps in my previous 40 years of life combined (not really, but it’s felt that way a bit). Some of it has been amongst the members in my new church body, but much has also been with those outside. It can’t help but bring to mind Proverbs 27:17
Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.
For some reason many of us want the sharpening process to be gentle, but in truth is causes much friction. But this friction brings growth – I know first hand I have been challenged on my beliefs and it has caused me to spend more time searching the Word… all of which is good.
So I suppose that means I’m saying;
Lord, bring it on if it is Your will – I trust You will give me the grace to handle it! Your will be done.