Humility and Walking with the God of Now (Akh’shav)

Several years back as I was reading Deuteronomy, Papa highlighted the word “presumptuously” to me, which I shared in my blog Presumption (Deuteronomy 17:12-13). In short, the verse sets the penalty for presumption towards the priests as death. The fact Continue reading Humility and Walking with the God of Now (Akh’shav)

What to Do When Words Injure You

After receiving several comments from people who had been wounded by the words of others, I realized God was highlighting something He wanted me to touch on. (I share some similar thoughts in my post Choosing to Hear God (Exodus Continue reading What to Do When Words Injure You

Seeing the Lord of Hosts for Who He Is (Psalm 84)

Psalm 84:1 (VOICE) [emphasis mine]  How lovely is Your temple, Your dwelling place on earth, O Eternal One, Commander of heaven’s armies. While working on a Prophetic Nugget collection based on Psalm 84 which I titled “YHVH Tsaba – Lord Continue reading Seeing the Lord of Hosts for Who He Is (Psalm 84)