Tag Archives: warfare tactics
How-to Overcome Fear

A quick pearl of practical wisdom on how-to overcome fear. We know biblically we are called to “fear not,” but walking that out can be a challenge. This is a little trick I have found helpful and hope you will Continue reading How-to Overcome Fear
How-to Walk Through Trials [The Sufferings of Christ / Dayenu (Sufficient)]

A word of encouragement and a gentle reminder of how to walk through trials. Sometimes when we’re in the midst of things it’s easy to lose sight of what we know, this video gently reminds us that our Savior walked Continue reading How-to Walk Through Trials [The Sufferings of Christ / Dayenu (Sufficient)]
Refusing to Operate in Jealousy or Competition (How-to Handle Negative Thoughts)

After my recent post How-to Deal with Jealousy and Judgment, someone contacted me with a candid question about how-to deal with our own feelings of jealousy. I so appreciated the candor of the question because the truth is we ALL struggle Continue reading Refusing to Operate in Jealousy or Competition (How-to Handle Negative Thoughts)
Silk: Sword of the Spirit
The name of your silk is Sword of the Spirit. The colors in it are: Golden yellow representing counsel of God China red representing war / warfare Light blue representing Spirit of God Deep dark blue representing YHVH Sabaoth (LORD of Hosts) Pearl shimmer representing hosts of heaven Continue reading Silk: Sword of the Spirit
Art: Heart Praise & Silk: New Song
Unlike the last two silk/art pairings I posted (Silk: Lush Growth (Flourisher) & Art: Saturated in Living Water and Silk: From Mourning to Dancing & Art: Joy Comes in the Morning), this one the art piece was created first and it inspired Continue reading Art: Heart Praise & Silk: New Song
How-to Pray the Word
One of the surest ways to pray prayers that will be answered is to pray in accordance with the Word. I did a similar post to this back in 2003 called Standing on His Word – the principle I’m touching Continue reading How-to Pray the Word
How-To Anoint Your Home
One of the warfare tactics I have used over the years is praying over and anointing my home. I share a bit about my early experiences on the Dyed4you site, but basically I simply used some olive oil. Now I Continue reading How-To Anoint Your Home
Spiritual Warfare Basics
When it comes to spiritual warfare there are many notions out there and several of them conflicting. Below you will find a quick summary of some of the most common tactics. This isn’t an exhaustive study, but it is a Continue reading Spiritual Warfare Basics
How-To Clean House
In my previous post about Who Will You Worship, I talked about the need to remove things from your home that are displeasing to the Father. In this post, I am going to share a quick how-to that is based Continue reading How-To Clean House